Senior Program
Our Competitive Senior Program provides the training and resources needed to compete at the highest levels. A swim career officially begins at 15. Paseo works with each of its swimmer's individually to test and track their growth over the years to help them identify S.M.A.R.T. goals for high school, college and beyond.

Senior III
Grades: High School (9-12)
Daily: 3 hrs; 6 swim/5 PaseoFIT a week
Swimmers train to compete at the highest levels and represent Paseo at competitive meets in the United States.
Attendance: 5 swim and 4 land-based
Goals: National AA, AAA, AAAA, Sectionals, Junior Nationals, Futures

Champs III

Senior I
Grades: High School (9-12)
Daily: 3 hrs; 6 swim/5 PaseoFIT a week
Swimmers focus on developing strength, power, speed, and endurance while refining technique and representing Paseo at local meets.
Attendance: 5 swim and 4 land-based
Goals: National BB, A, AA,
Age Group Champs, Far Westerns

Comprehensive land-based training for swimmers encompasses strength building, athletic development, stretching, and mobility exercises.

Swimmers travel locally, nationally, and internationally for competitions. Swim training clinics are held
2-3 times per year.

Foothill League H.S. meets, team-building exercises, group activities, and social gatherings unite swimmers, coaches, and their families.

Paseo fosters a sense of community among its members and encourages giving back through local community service projects led by swimmers.
Join the Club
Come experience the Paseo difference for yourself.
Try outs are held at The Paseo Club.